Die Aufgaben eine Mannes sind mittlerweile recht einfach.
Der leider viel zu früh verstorbene David Gold hat es in Worte gefasst. Ein mancher Mann könnte an diesen Erwartungen scheitern.
Woods Of Ypres –
Suicide Cargoload (Drag That Weight)
Suicide Cargoload (Drag That Weight)
Drag that fuckin‘ weight man,
Drag that weight and breathe
Pull that fuckin‘ anchor across the rocks, push that mountain into the sea
Drag that Weight! Over Foreign Landscapes! Drag that Weight!
Like a 10 ton stone statue, standing before miles of mountains
In a foreign land, where you don’t speak the language there
I feel so heavy man…
So I drag that weight!
And I drag that weight over foreign landscapes
Slow and heavy!
Drag that fuckin‘ weight man,
Drag that weight and breathe
Pull that fuckin‘ anchor across the rocks, push that mountain into the sea
Drag that weight and breathe
Pull that fuckin‘ anchor across the rocks, push that mountain into the sea
Drag that Weight! Over Foreign Landscapes! Drag that Weight!
Like a 10 ton stone statue, standing before miles of mountains
In a foreign land, where you don’t speak the language there
I feel so heavy man…
So I drag that weight!
And I drag that weight over foreign landscapes
Slow and heavy!
Drag that fuckin‘ weight man,
Drag that weight and breathe
Pull that fuckin‘ anchor across the rocks, push that mountain into the sea
Es fühlt sich mittlerweile so an, als würden immer größere Lasten auf den Mann gelegt und wer versteht schon die Sprache derer, die immer lauter brüllen und Forderungen stellen?
Wer spricht überhaupt deren Sprache?
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